We recognise that GBV occurs across all sections of society, it is important to acknowledge that our staff members may be victims (and be alleged or accused perpetrators), as well as being people who may identify a potential victim/survivor or receive a disclosure.  

The following are the key messages for you as staff in relation to your role as a potential source of support.

  • There are many reasons why colleagues or students may behave differently, or do not attend meetings or classes.  Be aware that control by a GBV perpetrator may be one of these.
  • If you receive a disclosure, acknowledge it, listen and ask the victim/survivor what they want you to do.
  • You are not expected to be a GBV expert or a counsellor.
  • It is ok to feel worried about broaching the subject, getting it wrong and making things worse, if you suspect a colleague or student is experiencing abuse.
  • Victims/survivors often do not want you to ‘fix’ things – listening and believing are important.  You can offer to seek advice and information for them if they wish for it.
  • Think safety – a perpetrator might be listening in.  If you do feel you need to approach the issue, do so conversationally, saying things like “You haven’t been in touch much lately. Is everything OK?” or “I’ve noticed you seem a bit down. Has anyone upset you?”
  • Let the person know they can talk to you when they want to.
  • We advise that colleagues or students are signposted to Report and Support or directed to speak with one of RGU’s team of First Responders. We have specially trained staff members ready to help. Our services remain fully operational during Covid-19 with remote support available for anyone that needs it.

Are there any injuries?
If a reporter comes to you and has any physical symptoms after an assault you should recommend that they seek medical help. 
If this is more than a very minor injury, or if they were unconscious for even a short time, they should go to Accident and Emergency. If they can, it may be helpful for them to bring a friend or family member.
It is up to them how much information they provide, but the hospital staff will be able to offer them better advice if they are aware of the circumstances.
NHS 24 – 111
The police and health services are still here to help – don’t feel you can’t call because of COVID-19.
Try and help them find somewhere they can feel safe. 

If the reporter needs a safe space or support from the University, on or off campus, contact someone from the Student Life team or the Emergency Response Team on 07854 199020.

The Emergency Response Team number is available 24 hours a day for University Staff, University Students or other informants who need to report a serious incident that requires immediate and urgent response by the University. 

The Student Life or Emergency Response Team will also deal with any requests to utilise the Place of Safety at Woolmanhill. The Place of Safety is intended to provide a private, confidential space for students in distress. It provides temporary support for any student until they can be signposted to further services. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened