Make yourself safe

Has the attacker gone? If not, can you make yourself safe, contact a friend or family member or call the police? If you are in any danger or seriously injured call 999 immediately.

If possible, try and find somewhere you feel safe. 

If you need a safe space or support from the University, on or off campus, call the Emergency Response Team on 07854 199020

This number is available 24 hours a day for University Staff, University Students or other informants who need to report a serious incident that requires immediate and urgent response by the University. 

The Safe Taxi Scheme. This scheme has been set up so that students can get home safely - if you don't have any cash, you can pay the fare the next day. Call Rainbow City Taxis on 01224 26 22 22 and order a taxi using the 'Safe Taxi' account name, and tell the operator your University and your student number.

Do you have any injuries?
If you have any physical symptoms after an attack you should seek medical help. 
If this is more than a very minor injury, or if you were unconscious for even a short time, you should go to Accident and Emergency. If you can, it may be helpful to bring a friend or family member with you.
The Robert Gordon University is committed to creating and promoting a working and learning environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We aim to support an inclusive culture in which differences are respected and any form of bullying, harassment or victimisation is considered to be unacceptable.
  • All incidents of Hate Crime, Harassment, Bullying or Victimisation can be reported on Report and Support.
  • Students can email their concerns to or email your Student President of Education & Welfare at
  • Our Equality & Diversity Information highlights the wide range of additional support available within the University and details specific contacts within our community where issues can be raised. 
  • Student Counselling & Wellbeing Centre. The Counselling & Wellbeing Centre is here to help and support you throughout your time at University. 
  • Staff Lifeworks Employee Assistance Programme. The EAP service offers confidential independent help, information, and guidance to University staff. It is accessed by telephone or web portal and is totally confidential. The Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to employees. It also allows for up to six face-to-face counselling sessions, offered near the caller’s home or place of work.
Whenever an incident is reported we will take it seriously, deal with it promptly and ensure that no-one is subjected to victimisation as a result of reporting. If anyone is found in breach or our University Dignity at Work and Study Policy we will utilise our existing University disciplinary procedures if appropriate.

There are a number of support services you can call or visit.


Although ‘hate crime’ is not in itself a criminal offence, the term is used to describe behaviour which is both criminal and rooted in prejudice. 

In Scotland, the law currently recognises hate crimes as motivated by prejudice for statutory aggravations based on, and considered under, the following criminal offences: 

  • Race: section 96 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,
  • Religion: section 74 of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003,
  • Disability: section 1 of the Offences (Aggravation by Prejudice) (Scotland) Act 2009,
  • Sexual orientation and transgender identity: section 2 of the Offences (Aggravation by Prejudice) (Scotland) Act 2009.
Prejudice or hostility also lies at the heart of some other offences which are often described as ‘hate crimes’. These are sometimes referred to as standalone hate crime offences and they criminalise behaviour specifically because it is motivated by racial prejudice. Currently, these standalone offences include: 
  • Racially aggravated harassment: section 50A of the Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 1995;
  • Stirring up of racial hatred: sections 18 to 22 of the Public Order Act 1986;

Online hate crime is completely unacceptable. What is illegal offline is illegal online.
If you have been a victim of hate crime, please report your concerns to Police Scotland at your local police station, via 101, online or via 999 if it is an emergency.
You can also report the incident anonymously by calling crime stoppers at any point on 0800 555 111
By reporting to the police:
·         You may well put a stop to the behaviour
·         You will help the police and partners build a picture of the nature and extent of hate crime in your area
·         You will help the police and partners understand where their resources need to be focused
·         If you are a victim, you will get access to support and advice
·         You could prevent further incidents happening in the future
·         You could stop minor incidents escalating to more serious ones
·         You will raise awareness of the issue and lead to positive changes in your community
·         Your information may lead to an arrest or conviction

In some cases victims/witnesses of Hate Crime do not feel comfortable reporting the matter directly to the Police and may be more comfortable reporting it to someone they are familiar with.

To ensure all victims/witnesses are able to report Hate Crimes, Police Scotland works in partnership with a wide variety of partners who perform the role of 3rd Party Reporting Centres. Staff within 3rd Party Reporting Centres have been trained to assist a victim or witness in submitting a report to the police and can make such a report on the victim/witnesses behalf.

RGU is a Third Party Reporting Centre. Other examples of 3rd Party Reporting Centres participating in the scheme range from Housing Associations to Victim Support offices and Voluntary Groups.  Find your nearest alternative Third Party Reporting Centre.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened