At RGU we recognise that any form of gender-based violence, harassment or hate crime is unacceptable and can have a detrimental effect on the confidence, health, and morale of those affected by it. All staff and students are actively encouraged to remain familiar with the content of our Dignity at RGU Policy in order to help us to ensure that RGU is a safe and welcoming environment for all staff, students and visitors.

Report + Support provides a platform for staff, students and visitors to report any of these inappropriate behaviours either anonymously or via an advisor. 

In publishing some of the data insights we have obtained via our reporting platform, we hope to both raise awareness and increase staff and student confidence when it comes to reporting to the University. 

Reporting in Academic Year 2021-22

A high-level summary is given for the period from 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022. 
  • Total number of 64 reports received.
  • Report type/category:
    • Hate Crime and Harassment* – 16 (25%) 
    • Sexual Harassment – 15 (23%)
    • Sexual Violence – 13 (20%)
    • Bullying – 5 (8%)
    • Stalking – 3 (5%)
    • Relationship Abuse – 2 (3%)
    • Unsure – 10 (16%)
  • Student and Staff reporting:
    • 62 reports (97%) were made by/on behalf of students
    • 2 reports (3%) were made by/on behalf of staff 
  • Incident location:
    • On campus – 25 (39%)
    • Off campus – 25 (39%)**
    • Unknown – 14 (22%)
  • Twenty-nine reports (45%) were 'Anonymous', and 35 (55%) reporters opted to ‘Contact an Advisor’ for further support. 
*this was a new reporting category from 2020
**this includes incidents in student accommodation, including private accommodation.

In all cases where a ‘Contact an Advisor’ report was submitted, the reporter received an offer of support from one of the University’s trained First Responders and/or a member of the Counselling and Wellbeing team. First Responders were able to listen to the reporter and help decide what, if any, further support might be useful. For example, in some cases, reporters were supported to make an allegation of misconduct against another student.

In the case of anonymous reporting it is not possible to reply to the reporter, however, patterns of reporting are occasionally identified which enables follow-up action to be taken. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened