Police Scotland launch THAT GUY campaign 

Men must take responsibility for ending sexual violence by changing their attitudes and behaviours towards women as well as challenging those of their peers.
 Police Scotland’s latest sexual crime prevention campaign continues to put the cause of sexual offending where it belongs – with men.
 The THAT GUY campaign builds on previous Police Scotland #GetConsent campaigns, targeting men aged 18–35 years who are most likely to commit sexual offences. 

 Its aim is to urge men to take responsibility for their actions and language to help affect a culture change to tackle sexual crime against women. 

 Launching the campaign, Deputy Chief Constable Malcolm Graham said: 
“It’s time that we men reflected on our own behaviours and attitudes – and those of our friends, family and colleagues - towards women in order to prevent rape, sexual assault and harassment. 

 “We want all women to be free to live their lives without worrying about their safety. 

 “Women are not responsible for the sexual offences committed against them and should be able to go about their daily lives without worrying about being sexually harassed, assaulted or raped. 

 “It’s up to men to step up, to not be 'that guy' and to stop sexual offending before it starts.” 


Visit the campaign website at www.that-guy.co.uk 

 You can follow the campaign on:
 Instagram: @thatguyscotland
Twitter: @ThatGuyScotland
Facebook: @ThatGuyScotland
YouTube: That Guy Scotland 

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