Aberdeen is a very safe city and has repeatedly obtained Purple Flag status to show our night-time economy offers clean and safe environments, great bars and clubs, a variety of arts and cultural attractions and excellent transport links.

Socialising is a major part of student life. Keep in mind these simple steps in mind while having fun:

·         Plan your night out including how to get home.

·         Take your mobile phone with you and make sure it’s charged.

·         Stick with friends and avoid leaving parties or nights out with strangers, look after one another and make sure you all get home safely.

·         Be sensible about how much alcohol you drink - a drunk person is much more vulnerable and an easier target for criminals.

·         In the UK it is rape if you have sexual intercourse with anyone who does not, or is unable to, give their consent because they are too drunk or under the influence of drugs. Visit https://reportandsupport.rgu.ac.uk/ for further information on how to report and get support for incidences of sexual assault or harassment.

·         If you leave a drink unattended then don’t go back to it.

·      If you feel unsafe or uneasy on dates in Aberdeen pubs, clubs and entertainment venues you can ‘Ask for Angela’ at the bar to notify bar staff. Once alerted with the code-word bar staff will then call a taxi or help you leave discreetly.

·         Look after bags and valuables. Don’t attract attention to a phone, especially if you’re under the influence of alcohol.

·         Stay alert at cash machines. Hide your PIN, be aware of who’s behind you and don’t flash your cash. Avoid using them if you’ve had too much to drink.

·         Keep enough money to pay for your journey home. In the case of an emergency, if you are an RGU student and have no money to get home, and are in a dangerous or unsafe situation, you can order a designated Safe Taxi from Rainbow City Taxi's and use your student card as payment. Call Rainbow City Taxis on 01224 878787 and order a taxi using the 'Safe Taxi' account name, and tell the operator your university and your student number. You then pay the fare later on collection of your student card from RGU Union.

·         Always call and book a taxi from a licensed private hire / taxi firm and make sure the vehicle pulling up is definitely your hire before you get into it.

·         Avoid travelling alone. If walking home, keep to well-lit, busy areas, never take isolated shortcuts and walk facing traffic so a car cannot pull up behind you.  


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