Bystander Intervention helps individuals or groups to actively address a situation they deem problematic. A bystander is anyone who observes any situation. We all observe thousands of incidents daily, but usually do not acknowledge the situation as needing our response. An active bystander is someone who acknowledges a problematic situation and chooses how to respond. They must decide if they will speak up, speak out, and/or offer assistance.

Have you ever stopped a friend from going home with someone when they were very drunk?  Have you ever stayed with a friend for the night because you knew they were too drunk to be left alone? Have you been willing to call out racism, homophobia, sexism, and/or transphobia in someone's jokes? Have you interrupted when you notice someone is being bullied? These are all examples of being an active bystander.


Together, we can create a community that does not tolerate violence, inequality or disrespect.

If you are still unsure about bystander intervention and how it works then watch this video which aims to raise public awareness of how sexual assaults can be prevented.

‘Who are you?’ is an excellent campaign developed in New Zealand that pushes the concept of being an "ethical bystander", an approach that holds everybody responsible for the safety of those around them.

We have carried out a number of Bystander Intervention training sessions in partnership with Police Scotland. If you are interested in hearing about future planned sessions please contact Fiona Hall –

There are two ways you can tell us what happened